

Hey! I hope everyone had a great Valentine's day. :) I didn't have a full day of plans because Derek was at work and I was at school all day. But we got to spend the evening together. We didn't do that much, just went to dinner at Moxie's, then came back to my house and fell asleep for a couple hours before Derek went to a late soccer game. We originally planned on seeing "The Vow" at the movie theatre but I changed my mind because I had a super huge lab due today. I wanted to be able to work on it after dinner. Anyways, even though it wasn't an action packed day, I was still able to spend it with my special man.<3.

Here's a few photos from the night :)
I surprised him with cupcakes, chocolates and a huge card and he surprised me with a teddy bear and flowers :) & Didn't dinner look so yummy?

Love, Roxy.<3

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