

It's been so long since I've blogged! It's CRUNCH time for exams and it's one of the busiest times of the year for me. I have so many videos lined up! I just need to find time to edit and upload them. :) Here's a little written update of what's coming up. 1st semester of 2nd year university is coming to an end already! I have two exams on Friday, then two more exams the following Tuesday and Thursday. Everything will be done on the 15th of December! BUTTT, I will also be getting my wisdom teeth removed on the 19th of December. I've never broken a bone, hurt myself badly or had any kind of surgery before so I'm extremely nervous for this. I have 5 days to recover and on the 5th day, December 23rd, I'M HEADING TO TORONTOO! I'm so excited to spend the holidays with my family. :) I'm a little sad that this will be the 2nd Christmas I am going to be away from Derek. This is because Toronto conflicted with the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, where he will be this holiday. I wish I could do both, but it's not possible. We thought it was best to spend Christmas with our own families. Anyways, GOODNIGHT FOR NOW. :) I have a long day of studying before my finals on Friday!

PS. It's my lovely 40 months with Derek today. :) At least I'll be in a cheerful mood while studying all day tomorrow. <3